Telecom Solutions and E-Asset Disposition

E-Asset Disposition

Are you Refreshing your used electronic assets or mobile devices?

How are you managing the seperation form your old devices and phones?

Are you worried about Data Security and Environmental Responsibility?
Don't worry. Aspice Services will will manage the entire process for you:
    - Inventory and Document all assets and SN's
    - Wipe and Remove all data from each device
    - Dispose of worthless assets in accordance with the highest environmental disposal standards
      (e-Stewards, R2 Electronic Recycler, and ISO 14001 partnerships)
    - Provide Letters of Destruction and Letters of Indemnification

Are you worried about freeing up resources to collect, document, and ship your E-Assets to a Partner that can manage the Disposition process responsibly?
Don't worry. Aspice Services will customize a logistics solution to simplify collection, minimize IT involvement, and minimize business interruption:
    - Handle used device collection (single-site and multi-site)
    - Inventory and Document all assets
    - Handle Shipping for Disposition
    - Coordinate with your Mobility Service Provider Device Roll-out
Are you interested in recovering any potential value from your old phones and E-Assets?
Aspice Services will work to provide equitable and up-front value for your used E-Assets

For E-Asset Disposition please contact Aspice Services LLC via Email -